Voltage Sources Power Supplies : Agilent-Keysight B2961A

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Agilent B2961A
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The Keysight B2961A/B2962A can provide a power supply and source solution that meets the difficult measurement challenges faced by researchers, designers and developers working on advanced components, circuits and materials.

Key Features & Specifications

6.5 digit 1-channel, wide and bipolar voltage/current sourcing (100 nV - 210 V / 10 fA - 10.5 A, 31.8W)
Best-in-class noise performance (10 µVrms, 1nVrms/vHz) with external filter
Precision arbitrary waveform capability with support for seven built-in functions and user defined waveforms (1 mHz - 10 kHz)

  • Fabricantes: Agilent-Keysight
  • Modelo: B2961A




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