Signal Analyzers : Agilent-Keysight N9030A

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Agilent N9030A
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The Keysight N9030A PXA signal analyzer is the highest-performance member of the X-Series and is the evolutionary replacement for your current performance signal analyzer. It provides frequency coverage up to 50 GHz and ensures present and future flexibility through optional measurement capabilities and hardware expandability. Through external mixing with Agilent or third-party harmonic mixers, the PXA can measure signals to 325 GHz and beyond. The PXA�s advanced performance, flexibility, capability and expandability enable you to address demanding applications in aerospace, defense, commercial communications and more. In addition, the PXA includes extensive remote language compatibility features that make it easier to replace existing Agilent or HP performance spectrum analyzers

  • 3 Hz to 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, 26.5, 43, 44, or 50 GHz; internal preamplifier options up to 50 GHz
  • 10 MHz (standard), 25, 40, or 160 MHz analysis bandwidth
  • Extend frequency to 325 GHz and beyond with external mixing
  • Convenient frequency extension to 110 GHz with Agilent's smart harmonic mixers

  • +/- 0.19 dB absolute amplitude accuracy
  • +22 dBm third order intercept (TOI)
  • -172 dBm displayed average noise level (DANL) with preamplifier and noise floor extension
  • -83 dB (-88 dB nominal) W-CDMA ACLR dynamic range (with noise correction on)

Measurement applications & software
  • Supports >25 measurement applications, covering cellular communication, wireless connectivity, digital video, and general purpose
  • Advanced analysis of more than 70 signal formats; software runs inside the PXA with 89600 VSA software
  • MATLAB data analysis software for general purpose data analysis, visualization, and measurement automation
  • Agilent's PowerSuite one-button power measurements included as standard Automation & communication interface
  • LXI class C compliant, SCPI and IVI-COM
  • USB 2.0, 1000Base-T LAN, GPIB
  • Programming remote language compatibility with PSA, 8566/68, 856x, and more
  • Common X-Series user interface/Open Windows XP operating system

0BW - Hard Copy Assembly-Level Service Guide
1A7 - ISO 17025 accredited calibration
1CM - Rack mount kit
1CN - Front handle kit
1CP - Rackmount and handle kit
1CR - Rack slide kit
503 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 3.6 GHz
508 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 8.4 GHz
513 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 13.6 GHz
526 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz
543 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 43 GHz
544 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 44 GHz
550 - Frequency range, 3 Hz to 50 GHz
A6J - ANSI Z540 compliant calibration
AB2 - Hard Copy of X-Series Chinese Getting Started and Troubleshooting Guide
ALV - Auxiliary log video output
B1X - Analysis Bandwidth, 160 MHz
B25 - N9030A-B25 Analysis bandwidth
B40 - Analysis bandwidth, 40 MHz
BBA - I/Q baseband inputs, analog
C35 - APC 3.5 mm connector
CR3 - Connector Rear, Wideband IF output
CRP - Connector Rear, Programmable IF output
DVR - DVD - ROM/CD-R/RW drive
EA3 - Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz
EDP - Enhanced display package
EMC - Basic EMC Functionality
ESC - External source control
EXM - External mixing
KB2 - US 65 key USB keyboard
KYB - USB Keyboard
LNP - Low noise path
MLP - Minimum loss pad, 50 to 75 ohm
MPB - Microwave preselector bypass
P03 - Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz
P08 - Preamplifier, 8.4 GHz
P50 - Preamplifier, 50 GHz
SSD - Additional removable solid state drive
UK6 - Commercial calibration test data
YAV - Y-axis video output

  • Fabricantes: Agilent-Keysight
  • Modelo: N9030A




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