Network Analyzers : Rohde Schwarz TSMW

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Rohde Schwarz TSMW
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Celebrando 15 años de servicio a usuarios de equipos en todo el mundo

Input frequency range from 30MHz to 6GHz

TSMW universal radio network analyzer is a high-end platform for optimizing all conventional wireless communications networks. Two highly sensitive 20 MHz frontends for any input frequency from 30 MHz to 6 GHz, a dual-channel preselection and an FPGA-based software-defined architecture offer unsurpassed performance while providing maximum flexibility and operational readiness. 

In addition to functioning as a scanner for wireless communications networks in combination with the R&S ROMES4 drive test software, the R&S TSMW is also an ideal digital I/Q baseband receiver for customer-specific applications.

  • Fabricantes: Rohde Schwarz
  • Modelo: TSMW




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