Data Loggers Recorders Plotters : Datataker DT85GM

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Datataker DT85GM
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Nuestro Precio:

US $5,170.00

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A low power data logger designed for the Geotechnical & Construction Industries

. Accepts up to 48 inputs.
. Supports vibrating wire and other Geotechnical sensors
. Compatible with all major brands – Slope Indicator, RST Instruments,
Geokon, Soil Instruments, Roctest, Applied Geomechanics Inc.
. Standalone or networkable with powerful inbuilt communication
options including integrated cellular modem.
. Includes USB memory stick support
. Rugged design and construction provides reliable operation in
Geotechnical environments and applications.
. Stores up to 10 million data points.
  • Fabricantes: Datataker
  • Modelo: DT85GM




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